TN supremo J.Jayalalitha has been deposed after a court order. Subsequently O.Panneerselvam has taken over as the CM. He has not moved into the CM’s office and has been trying very hard to be the CM, without being the CM.
Tougher days are ahead of him, as he needs to handle an assembly session and also attend the CM’s meet in Delhi. Earlier, the assembly sessions used to be anchored around the aura of Amma. Now, OPS has not only to manage the opposition, but also his cabinet and MLAs in such a way that they behave how Amma would have wanted, without her being there.
Finally, technology is going to help them. Google India had identified TN as a potential growth market. Now, they have recommended Google Glass as a solution to the unique problems faced by the ministry. In particular, this will offer three solutions:
- It is possible to read ebooks. A general series of commands would be uploaded and be accessible to all ministers.
- Evernote is available on Google glass. Tasks for all ministers will be shared through Evernote by a central control office. Then ministers go according to the schedule and update their actions to central command for approval.
- Google glass also allows for discreet videoconferencing using Google Hangout. It is likely that when OPS handles the session in the assembly or meets with other CMs, he will set up a hangout with the party supremo. She can watch the assembly telecast on TV and instruct the ministers for their responses. When OPS makes the CM’s address, he will follow the speech being read out by Jayalalitha on Google Hangout.
Anyway, the Indian privacy laws have not extended their scope to cover such technology. The only problem is that all ministers will be having their head at an uncomfortable angle. Another risk foreseen is that the moment ministers see Amma on Video, they will prostrate themselves on an “As is, where is” basis. Intense training is being given to them using stock video to make sure that they don’t end up prostrating to visitors or Vijayakanth, just because Amma is live on Glass.
We contacted Sundar Pichchai, the Google product honcho on this. The Chennai born product czar who conceptualized the entire pitch simply said “Only Amma. Meethi Summa (Only Amma, Rest are there to make up the numbers)”.
PM Narendra Modi is watching this with interest. He has decided to go for it, but is looking for an extension, that would send out a 3D hologram when the minister is not following what he is saying.